That's exactly how long it took in hours, minutes and seconds respectively. A walk from Yishun to AMK. I think my mind's filled. Mind boggled.
I think nightmares go hand in hand with living our dreams. I think reality, its just a nightmare of crushed dreams. It's pretty nice to dream, share someone else's dream or share a dream with someone. But sometimes, these dreams are short lived. When one feels that their dream is just a nightmare, they crush your dreams too. And we don't have the choice of telling them to dream back, but they do have the choice to not go back.
I don't even know if any of the top sentences made sense. I don't really know if I'm making the right choices or doing the right things. But I keep going on. I keep walking.
I do feel a certain vibe I can't describe either. I can't pick up if the signals are right or wrong. If only things were clearer. I guess til then there's these little temptations that I indulge in to find hallucination til I hear from you again. Goodbye Wednesday.
Thug life babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Lol.
Gone for awhile.
What you may find,
In the comfort of your heart.
You may not find it,
In the comfort of others.
The heart is Home.
Though build me a House,
Where my heart can reside in You.
Oddxstaruka Jutsu
I think I'm misunderstood. I think you misunderstood me. I don't think you can understand me. I don't think you can understand what I feel. Go ahead think you understand. Go ahead think you understood. Fuck you. I love being misunderstood. So you don't have to understand me. Understood?
Here. Go ahead. Freestyle to this shit and diss me too. =)
DANJAH! DANJAH! NVMBR CHLD's latest work will be released online on our myspace and various facebook accounts as a promo this 24th of July 2009.
DanjahMan features Mean, Flix, KillBill, Pendekar, ELFPRMPTRXS (formerly known as Chavitoxs) & Young. Produced by Young.
Stay tuned! This is some daaaaaaaaaaanjaaaarous musiiiiiiiiick.
I've seen people go. The closest one, they treat you like a distant piece of memory in their mind. I guess we don't matter. The things we do never matter. It's funny how we're never remembered for the good things, but the bad ones last forver. I guess I need Ben too. Not in a homosexual manner, but someone like Ben.
oddishen theory
Hoyahhhhhhhhhh! Oddxstaruka Jutsu just released his "The Oddishen Theory" online.
The Oddishen Theory is a collection of experiences and artistic work, connected with the imaginary vision of Oddxstaruka Jutsu.
Its extraordinary collection of contemporary realism represents the refinement of self-discovery and pursuit of biologically meaningful patterns, in an extremely diverse translation.
Download link: The Oddishen Theory (95MB Zip Folder)
I'm in it too. So go download it. If you love me, Oddxstaruka, local music. Outy.
wah blogger balls
I don't really know why I started this blog, but I just did. Prolly because I need a diary but I can't afford to buy one and the necessary stationaries to write in it. So I decided to blog because dad's paying the electricity bill.
I guess the posts will be pretty random. If it's too emotional for you, press the close button by all means. I'm not exactly sure what the actual words are, but I'm quoting from my memory of a video I watched recently. 'I won't promise you that I'll be here, but I promise I'll be here. Promo-things. You know what it iz.....'
And I titled my post as such because that's the first thing Min did when I linked him. 'EH BLOGGER SIA!'. As though he doesn't have one. And before you do the same, I'll do it for you, 'EH BLOGGER SIA!'. Cause 'I'm the best to be humble'. Again I'm quoting from my memory. Oh yeah, don't mind the layout, cause I'm new and am just figuring out. This, that.
And by the way, please support my music and buy my album from the Esplanade store. In two words to describe it, 'Emo Rap'. Ttys.