it's been awhile since i last blogged but its been a longer while since i heard a track from these three guys; psykes.

i remember watching them performing back when i was 14. and i still believe they should have won that talent time that year in school. somehow they gave me an inspiration to do the same. and if there's a reason on why i do this today, i'll credit them for showing me the way. it might have been triple noize for many, but for me its psykelecticz. i guess if i din't grow up with a class of them, there'd be no kill bill. no rebel yell. no therapy either.

but above all, these guys are my brothers. having known them for 9years, they're one of the few whom are still close, or closer than i first knew them. and i'm hoping there'd be a psykes album around!~ to young, ilbril and define, you guys are the shit and i love you brothers.

Listen to 'The Reason of Absence':